cultural diversity inventory
To assess how you communicate in a multi-cultural setting, rate your responses to the statements below. Use a scale of 1 to 5 to rate how strongly you agree with the statement, 1 being low agreement and 5 being high. This is strictly for self-awareness and will not be used by anyone but you.
- _____ I appreciate different ways of communicating
- _____ I avoid jargon or slang when I'm around those who don't understand my cultural jargon or slang.
- _____ I listen as I speak; I do not interrupt.
- _____ I consider the effect of cultural differences on messages being transmitted.
- _____ I check my assumptions about others who are culturally and racially different than I.
- _____ When experiencing frustration or sensing conflict in a cross-cultural situation, I ask myself, "What's really going on here?"
- _____ I realize others may stereotype me and I try to overcome any incorrect assumptions they make about me.
- _____ I do not judge people on their accent or language fluency.
- _____ I never use ethnic jokes and I object when others do.
- _____ I never make remarks that are "hot buttons" for women, people of color, or any other group.
- _____ I recognize I am a product of my own upbringing, and my way is not the only way.
- _____ I'm patient and flexible. I can accept different ways of getting a job done as long as the results are good.
- _____ I am curious about people who are different than I, thus, I make it my business to meet people who are different than I by race, gender, culture.
- _____ Some of my friends or associates are different from me in age, gender, race, physical abilities, economic status, sexual orientation and education.
- _____ I listen carefully.
- _____ I like people and accept them as they are.
- _____ I am sensitive to the feelings of others and observe their reactions when I am talking.
- _____ I am aware of my prejudice and consciously try to control my assumptions about people.
- _____ I ask for clarification when I don't understand what someone is saying.
- _____ I recognize my personal and cultural values and know which values I am able to compromise without losing my integrity.
HOW TO SCORE: Total your answers.
80 or above - You probably value diversity and are able to work with people who are different from yourself.
50-80 - You are headed in the right direction, but there is some room for improvement.
50 or below - You probably experience much difficulty working in a multi-cultural setting and could benefit from further training
80 or above - You probably value diversity and are able to work with people who are different from yourself.
50-80 - You are headed in the right direction, but there is some room for improvement.
50 or below - You probably experience much difficulty working in a multi-cultural setting and could benefit from further training
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