sharing your testimony
Preparing your testimony is crucial to being effective on the mission field. Before you depart for your project or arrive at training camp please be ready to share your testimony.
Sharing how Jesus Christ gave you eternal life and enriched your life is
one of the easiest and most effective ways to minister to others. Your personal testimony is unique, powerful, and can be used in a mighty way. Your life experiences and the outcome of your salvation areintriguing to others. 1 Peter 3:15 |
Avoid rehearsing your testimony as if you were memorizing a speech. Your goal is to be creative and real. This activity is intended to help put into words some of the important and interesting details of your own salvation and God's work in your life. A personal testimony can serve as a door-opener to spiritual conversation that may lead to an opportunity to share further about Jesus Christ. Also, you may sometimes find yourself in a situation where time only permits a short testimony. Be able to condense your testimony, if needed, but still get the point across.
Be loving and bold when you sense the Spirit opening doors. Do not be scared to share how God has impacted your life. Let them see the character of God reflected in you.
The goal in this section is for you to prepare a 2 minute testimony. Include just enough of your story to tell Jesus's story.
Your hope is that they will ask you questions that will lead you further into the Gospel.
The key thing to remember: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU! It's ALL about HIM.
Your hope is that they will ask you questions that will lead you further into the Gospel.
The key thing to remember: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU! It's ALL about HIM.
1. Before Christ: Talk briefly about what your life was like
before encountering Jesus Christ. Select one of the purple words to the left of the cross to describe your life before Christ. (ex. guilt) Do not be afraid to change the word each time you share to better fit the the context or the culture that you are sharing in. Just keep it real. 2. Encounter with Christ: Explain what happened. Identify events that took place. Make it personal. Include details of why you decided to follow Jesus. Clearly and simply communicate the Gospel within the context of the purple word you chose. - All have sinned. - The penalty of sin is eternal separation from God. - Christ paid the penalty by dying on the cross. - JESUS IS ALIVE. God raised him from the dead. - We can be forgiven and restored by accepting God's free gift of salvation. |
3. After Christ: How your life is different now? How is Christ
continuing to shape and change your life? How is He active in your life now? Select the matching term on the right side of the cross (ex. no guilt). Make sure you tie your life after Christ back into your life before Christ so whoever is listening can see the DIFFERENCE and IMPACT Christ makes! 4. End with a question to engage your audience. Examples: - Have you heard anything like this? - Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt (lost, alone, unloved, etc)? - Do you have any questions about what I've shared? - Would you like to become a follower of Jesus like I am? |
"So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord...but join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done, but because of his own purpose and grace.
2 Timothy 1:8-9
2 Timothy 1:8-9